
10th February 2008

Almost a year since I started. Thought it would be nice (for me mostly) to have some pics of what the tank looks like now. So here they are ...

OK - I know that's only one pic - trying to get more up there but struggling with technology at the moment.
Incidentally, the curved green "worm" in the centre foreground is one arm of "Alvin The

OK - finally sussed it. Here are more pics.
First, a different shot of "Alvin".

A shot from the front of the tank, you can see "Margaret" (hermit crab) perched on top of the purple covered rock.

One of my "caves"
Shot from the side of the tank
Another "cave"
Still some way to go before I get what I hoped for when I started but it's making good progress (I think).


Saturday 26th January 2008

Since mid November my Green Brittle has been moving to and from the fliter area at will. I cannot get the little b****r to stay in the main tank but since he is obviously quite happy in either area I'll leave him to it for now.
At some point I'll put some mesh over the hole he uses to get into the filter area, just to make life easier for me.
Wish I knew why he did it. He spends days in there then comes back into the main tank for a few days then goes back into the filter again. Odd.

Still not quite plucked up the courage to add fish. Seen some lovely specimens in LFS but refuse to buy without research now so have to come home and so far have either found out they would NOT be suitable or have not been confident enough to take them on. Soon perhaps.

If anyone actually reads this I'd be delighted to hear from you. Just add a comment. Might make me more interested in the blog and make me add more useful tips (as I learn them from others I expect).