Good news and bad news

Wednesday 18th April.

Been a while since I had the time to sit and write in here so here's a quick catch-up.

Good news. The onslaught of algae has been held in check by the simple removal of light. I've turned off, and left off, the main lighting in the tank for several days now and the algae, though still there, is back to something that looks like a mess rather than a disaster. Advice from my new friends at suggests this is fine and will sort itself out over time as the tank cycles.

More good news. Have spotted, in the new darkened tank (lit on by blue LED) 4 snail-like creatures (though they move fast for snails and have large mouths and long feelers) and any number of tiny shrimp (2-3 mm max) scuttling about in the algae "field".

Bad news. The anemone that hitch-hiked in is looking very sick. I have no idea what I can do to help it. I'll try putting the light on a bit to see if that helps.

More bad news. I have no idea whether the tank is cycling or not (or even if it's finished cycling). The readings are all stable and low and I'm feeding in tropical fish food to provide bacteria but no movement. Surely it cannot have already finished. VERY reluctant to add life until I am sure.

Sadly - when I add something, it is likely to eat everything I already have (i.e. mini shrimps)

Last night's readings.
Ammonia : 0.1 (stable)
NO3/Nitrate : 5 (stable)
NO2/Nitrite : 0.1 (stable)
PH : 8.4 (Stable).

Have to find out about the anemone - must try to work out how to feed it (perhaps that's the problem).

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