Brown Algae

Sunday 8th April 2007. Happy Easter.

Small patch of brown algae noticed on substrate.
By evening this had become a major attack covering large amount of substrate and quite a few areas on glass too.
Again my thanks to where Caz was able to put my mind at rest within a few minutes of my posting the concern. Thanks Caz.

Fed tank some "snow" mid afternoon.

Readings taken tonight.
Ammonia : 0.1 (slightly up on yesterday)
NO3/Nitrate : 5 (slightly down on yesterday)
NO2/Nitrite : 0.1 (Stable)
PH : Odd colour returned, almost purple. Assume about 8.5 (Stable).

Hitch-hiking anenome is looking even less well. Intend to stop the "snow for a few days and return to tropical fish food as ammonia source to see of that helps or not.

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